(Please note that the web links may require ProQuest subscription or authorization. Unpublished disserations and theses may be requested from the respective university libraries.)
Martin, S. (2001). Behavioral causes of miscommunication in Arkansas elementary public school students. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Arkansas at Little Rock.
Bailey, R. C. (1998). An investigation of personality types of adolescents who have been rated by classroom teachers to exhibit inattentive and/or hyperactive impulsive behaviors. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Arkansas at Little Rock.
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Carpenter, C. W. (1995). Personality type and depression in four elementary school boys. Dissertation Abstracts International-A, 55(8), 2275. (University Microfilms No. AAT9500715) (Arizona State University) http://0search.proquest.com.catalog.lib.cmich.edu/pqdtft/docview/304113976/141BE134F3A641C1AE7/1?accountid=10181
Hawking, N. G. (1995). A study on the impact on student achievement by teachers trained in Process Communication. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Arkansas at Little Rock.
Hall, G. R. (1995). The Process Communication Model of humanistic psychology as a rehearsal aid in the creation of character and character interaction. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Leeds University.
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Wallin, M. B. (1993). "Making" the grade: The effects of teacher personality types on student grading practices. Dissertation Abstracts International-A, 53(11). (University Microfilms No. AAT 9307147) (Arizone State University) http://0search.proquest.com.catalog.lib.cmich.edu/pqdtft/docview/303986229/141BE160AEE33669BDD/1?accountid=10181
Shcolnik, B. (1988). The Process Communication Model concept of developmental processes: The effects of phase development in husbands on marital satisfaction of wives. Dissertation Abstracts International-B, 48(08), 2469. (University Microfilms No. AAT 8725937) (The Fielding Institute) http://0search.proquest.com.catalog.lib.cmich.edu/pqdtft/docview/303629196/141B2C83A914A8CF8BF/1?accountid=10181
Nash, B. P. (1985). Process Theory: A reliability and validity study. Dissertation Abstracts International-B, 46(02), 653. (University Microfilms No. AAT 8505203) (Western Michigan University) http://0search.proquest.com.catalog.lib.cmich.edu/pqdtft/docview/303320474/141B2B28D9264F135E6/2?accountid=10181
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