(Please note that the web links may require ProQuest subscription or authorization. Unpublished disserations and theses may be requested from the respective university libraries.)
Cicinelli, A. (2013). Communication styles: An examination of ability to communicate with students and student achievement in Michigan public schools. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Central Michigan University.
Berríos, N. G. (2012). Perfil de personalidad del estudiante de contabilidad en Puerto Rico usando el modelo Comunicación Procesal de Kahler. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Universidad de Puerto Rico.
Donlan, R. A. (2010). An investigation of the relationship between Michigan charter school leaders’ personality strengths and the schools’ performance indicators under Education Yes! Dissertation Abstracts International-A, 70(12). (University Microfilms No. AAT 3388252) (Central Michigan University) http://0search.proquest.com.catalog.lib.cmich.edu/pqdtlocal1005854/docview/305181677/141BDF95572304F9AD9/1?accountid=10181
Eyers, C. M. C. (2009). Disordered eating in NCAA collegiate male wrestlers. Dissertation Abstracts International-A, 70(2). (University Microfilms No. AAT 3349315) (Central Michigan University) http://0search.proquest.com.catalog.lib.cmich.edu/pqdtft/docview/305181383/141B2AA093D507C8A01/2?accountid=10181
Thompson, J. (2006). Can Process Communication theories used in verbal communication be applied to written communication in higher education? Dissertation Abstracts International-A, 67(3). (University Microfilms No. AAT3207079) (Central Michigan University) http://0search.proquest.com.catalog.lib.cmich.edu/pqdtft/docview/304907756/141B2ABE6924CD8120B/1?accountid=10181
Appold, B. (2006). A case study of the impact of Process Communication-trained teachers and student achievement. Dissertation Abstracts International-A, 66(12). (University Microfilms No. AAT3199622) (Central Michigan University) http://0search.proquest.com.catalog.lib.cmich.edu/pqdtft/docview/304907522/141B28F7F6960DCB703/4?accountid=10181
Francisco, M. (2006). An investigation of the relationship between administrator personality and teacher job satisfaction from a sample of Michigan K-12 public schools. Dissertation Abstracts International-A, 66(10). (University Microfilms No. AAT3193111) (Central Michigan University) http://0search.proquest.com.catalog.lib.cmich.edu/pqdtlocal1005854/docview/305362631/141BDFDD2DE795C1E13/2?accountid=10181
Weisenbach, J. (2004). An investigation of the relationship between principal’s personality and a school’s organizational climate in Lutheran elementary schools in Michigan. Dissertation Abstracts International-A, 65(7), 2452. (University Microfilms No. AAT3139022) (Central Michigan University) http://0search.proquest.com.catalog.lib.cmich.edu/pqdtft/docview/305034495/141B2AE66885BA4674/4?accountid=10181
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